Easy Search!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just got word that we will be moving at the end of the month!  A little sooner than we expected, so we are packing like mad.  And I still have a ton of "things" at my ex's that need to be retrieved.  So we'll have to work that one into the moving plan as well.  

Normally I hate packing, but this time I am digging it.  It might be because Kurt is doing most of it!

I'll be posting lots of pix of the house in it's "Before", "During" and "After" stage(s).  Along with tips, tricks and sources of where I score major purchases.  Since we will be doing everything on a teeny tiny, almost non-existent budget, each item we buy, must be sourced down to the least expensive end price.  We don't want cheap crap, we just want to spend as little as possible.

We would love to go "Green" with this reno, however I have YET to find any "Green" items we will need, that fit our budget.  I'm still hopeful though!

Oh, btw I must give credit to the "Graphics Fairy" for this fab background!  Here is a link to her wonderful site! The Graphics Fairy

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